How Noise Affects Your Mood and Memory
Exposure to noise not only has the potential to damage hearing but can trigger stress and irritation as well. Understanding how noise influences your overall well-being can help create a healthier, more productive environment. The Connection Between Noise and Mood Unwanted noise can trigger stress and irritation, even when it isn’t overly loud. According to…
Common Misconceptions About Tinnitus
Tinnitus is the perception of ringing, buzzing or other sounds despite no sound being present. Nearly 10% of U.S. adults have experienced tinnitus lasting five minutes or more. Despite its prevalence, there are misconceptions about tinnitus and how it affects people, as well as what can be done to manage it. Here are a few…
Do Hearing Aids Help Tinnitus?
Tinnitus is a condition characterized by hearing sounds that aren’t caused by external sources, such as ringing, buzzing or hissing. Approximately 10% of Americans have experienced tinnitus lasting five minutes or more in the past year. Understanding how tinnitus relates to hearing loss and the role hearing aids can play in managing its symptoms can…
Are Custom Earplugs Right for You?
Whether you took a woodshop class in high school, worked in construction or attended many concerts at the Hollywood Bowl, you’re probably familiar with hearing protection options like earmuffs or earplugs. While earmuffs and earplugs offer good hearing protection, people frequently exposed to high-volume noise may want to consider custom earplugs to ensure their hearing…
Tips to Create a Daily Hearing Aid Routine
Embarking on the journey of wearing hearing aids can be both exciting and challenging. While these devices open a world of sound and connection, they also require some adjustment and care to ensure they function optimally. Among adults aged 70 and older who need hearing aids, only 30% have ever used them. Establishing a routine…
Tips To Improve Hearing Aid Comfort
Approximately 28.8 million U.S. adults could benefit from the use of hearing aids. Embracing the hearing aid journey, filled with vibrant sounds and crystal-clear conversations, is an exciting adventure. However, amidst the joy, it’s natural to experience some initial discomfort as you adapt to wearing your new devices. Let’s explore some tips to ensure comfort…
What To Know About Hearing Loss Surgeries
Nearly 30 million people age 12 or older has hearing loss in the United States. When not addressed, it has the potential to negatively impact quality of life. There are varied treatment options for hearing loss, depending on its cause and in some cases, surgical intervention is necessary. Depending on the form of hearing loss,…
New Research Indicates Link Between Zinc and Hearing Loss
Research to understand noise-induced hearing loss has achieved a significant milestone, thanks to a recent finding. With approximately 15% of adults in the U.S. affected by hearing loss, often due to continuous exposure to excessive noise, new research could pave the way for reducing exposure-related hearing loss. The Zinc Connection Researchers at the University of…
How Are Stress and Hearing Loss Connected?
It’s no secret that stress can wreak havoc on our bodies, but what’s less known is how it can quietly undermine our hearing health. Understanding the connection between chronic stress and auditory issues is crucial for maintaining not just our overall health, but also our ability to hear long-term. Stress And Your Ears The inner…
Should I Wear a Cochlear Implant and A Hearing Aid
A cochlear implant is an electronic device that is surgically implanted behind the ear. It sends electrical impulses to the hearing nerve, resulting in better hearing clarity, particularly in speech. A hearing aid is placed on or in the ear and amplifies sounds so the sensory sounds can be stimulated properly for hearing. Depending on…