Ways To Protect Your Hearing This Year
Exposure to loud noise is one of the leading causes of hearing loss. Whether it’s through working in a noisy environment like construction or attending a rock concert at Mechanics Bank Arena, there are many activities that put your hearing at risk. Thankfully, there are several steps you can take to protect your ears and…
How To Wear Hearing Aids with Glasses
Needing to use both hearing aids and eyeglasses is not uncommon. After all, as of 2021, almost 64% of US adults (166.5 million) were wearing prescription eyeglasses. Whether you are a longtime glasses-wearer who recently was prescribed hearing aids or vice versa, you might have some questions on how to wear both at once. Choosing…
What You Should Know About Asymmetrical Hearing Loss
According to a study published in the journal Otology & Neurotology, “Approximately 50% of all patients and 55% of patients with sensorineural hearing loss were classified as [having asymmetric hearing loss].” This means asymmetrical hearing loss – hearing loss that is more severe in one ear than the other – is actually pretty common. We…
How Severe Is Your Hearing Loss?
According to a study published in the American Journal of Public Health, “An estimated 25.4 million, 10.7 million, 1.8 million, and 0.4 million US residents aged 12 years or older, respectively, have mild, moderate, severe, and profound better-ear hearing loss.” In this post, we break down exactly what it means to have each of these…
As the Weather Starts Getting Colder, Here’s How You Can Protect Your Ears
The changing of the seasons means it’s time to put away your shorts and pull out your coats. It also means you need to take some precautions to protect your ears. We review how to prevent damage and protect your ears below. Cover Your Ears The outer ears are comprised mostly of cartilage, which means…
Can Car Wrecks Lead to Hearing Loss?
Consider the causes of hearing loss… You probably thought of advancing age and exposure to noise. But did you know that being in a car wreck can also lead to hearing loss? We review what types of injuries related to car accidents can impact your hearing below. Head Trauma During a car wreck, your head…
Unusual Facts About Your Ears
Our ears play such a huge role in our daily lives, but how much do you really know about them and how they work? Let’s examine a few interesting facts about your ears and how the hearing process works. Five Facts About Hearing and Your Ears Keeping Your Ears Healthy Your ears let you enjoy…
What Are the Differences Between Being Deaf & Hard of Hearing?
According to a study published in the Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, approximately “1 in 20 Americans are currently deaf or hard of hearing.” But what exactly is the difference between being deaf and hard of hearing? We review the answer to this question below. How Hearing Is Classified It’s not the case…
Is Your Hearing Loss the Result of Earwax?
In addition to advancing age, noise exposure and ototoxic drugs, one potential cause of hearing loss is earwax blockage, known medically as impacted cerumen. While total blockage or severe hearing loss caused by this is rare, having too much earwax can, in fact, affect your hearing. How We Hear Soundwaves from your environment are captured…
How To Hear Better in the Car
Hearing in the car can be difficult for people with any degree of hearing loss. Thankfully, there are several things you can do to make it easier. Use Your Hearing Aids If you have hearing aids, you should be wearing them consistently in all situations where you aren’t sleeping or showering. They work to amplify…