Are You Practicing Healthy Hearing Habits?
Once you lose your hearing, it’s gone for good. While there’s nothing you can do to reverse the symptoms of hearing loss, there’s plenty you can do to prevent them. Follow our tips below to practice healthy hearing habits. Wear Earplugs It is estimated that around 15% of Americans have some level of hearing loss…
How Often Should You Be Wearing Your Hearing Aids?
Spending so much time at home over the last seven months has made it easier to forego daily requirements like taking showers, putting on real clothing and combing your hair. While these actions don’t have major consequences, one activity does—wearing your hearing aids. Even if you are home alone, it is still important to wear…
How Can Allergies Affect Your Ears?
Usually, we associate ear discomfort with children, who are prone to infections due to the fact that their Eustachian tubes don’t drain as easily as adults’. However, it’s certainly possible to experience ear discomfort as an adult, and the reason may surprise you. It may be allergies causing your problems. What Is an Allergic Reaction?…
What You Should Know About COVID-19, Allergies and Hearing Loss
Whether you feel a bit unwell, stuffed up or have a mild cough, now is an uneasy time for anyone to come down with symptoms that tie in with COVID-19. It’s important to remember that allergies often come and go regardless of the season. What you’re feeling might be related to plugged up airways from…
Can Tinnitus Affect Your Job?
Even though tinnitus is an invisible ailment, it can cause noticeable damage, especially when it comes to your work. According to a study conducted by Tinnitus Hub, 38% of tinnitus sufferers reported that their tinnitus negatively affected their work prospects. Understanding how tinnitus can impact your job can ensure you do what is needed to…
How Does Hearing Loss Lead to Depression?
It’s not difficult to understand why hearing loss may lead to depression. When you cannot hear well, it makes communicating with others difficult. When you can’t communicate, you’re not likely to want to go out and interact with others. This causes many people with hearing loss to become socially withdrawn and isolated – well-known risk…
October is Audiology Awareness Month
Hearing loss can be a confusing experience that leaves you feeling discouraged, frustrated and isolated. October is Audiology Awareness Month, which means now is a great time to learn about life changes that can help make for a better tomorrow. Audiologists, including the experts at , can help identify hearing problems and recommend a treatment…
Hearing Loss May Increase Cognitive Defects in Children Who Survive Cancer
Recent research by a team a St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital has found that childhood cancer survivors who have severe hearing impairment caused by their treatments are at greater risk for neurocognitive deficits. This is true even for children who did not undergo neurotoxic treatment. What Is Ototoxicity? Certain chemicals and medications are known to…
Service Workers Are More Likely to Experience Hearing Loss
New research by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) shows that noise-exposed service workers are at an increased risk of developing hearing loss. This is significant, as the Services sector is the largest sector in U.S. industry. What Constitutes the Services Sector? The Services sector consists of a wide range of services,…
Considerations for Choosing a Hearing Aid
If your hearing test reveals you have hearing loss, your audiologist likely will suggest hearing aids to treat the condition. It is important to treat hearing loss as soon as possible, as it has been linked to social withdrawal, depression, anxiety and even cognitive decline. If you’re ready to take the next step in your…