Four Reasons You Should Invest in Your Hearing Health
While hearing loss is quite common (there are 48 million people throughout the country experiencing it right now), only about 20 percent who could benefit from the use of a hearing aid actually uses one. Your Los Angeles audiologist wants to help you see why investing in a treatment for your hearing loss can do…
Facts About Ruptured Eardrums
If you’ve ever experienced an eardrum rupture in Los Angeles, you are well aware of the pain this can cause. We’ve collected some facts about ruptured eardrums that will help you learn about their causes and what to do if you experience one. Symptoms of Eardrum Perforations The eardrum, or tympanic membrane, is the thin…
Can Hearing Loss Lead to Poor Academic Performance?
Many people assume hearing loss is a condition associated with aging, but in reality, the vast majority of patients with hearing loss in Orange County and throughout the United States are younger than 65. Only 35 percent are older. Many of these patients are children; in addition to the social and emotional consequences of hearing…
Surfer’s Ear (and Other Summer Hearing Disorders)
Summer in Los Angeles means it’s time to hang ten! But before you hit the surf, you’ll want to take precautions to protect your ears. Surfing, swimming and other water activities can lead to painful ear infections – and maybe worse. What is Surfer’s Ear? The name surfer’s ear is misleading because even those in…
Keep Your Hearing Aids Safe from Summer Heat
Hot town, summer in the city/back of my neck getting dirty and gritty. Summertime anthem? Sure…but these popular lyrics also serve as a warning to hearing aid users in Los Angeles. The back of your neck isn’t the only thing that can get dirty and gritty during the summer months. All that heat can wreak…
Life Hacks for People with Tinnitus
Tinnitus is common in Los Angeles – about 20 percent of the population experiences a ringing in their ears. The extent varies among individuals; for some, tinnitus is an occasional nuisance that is easy to ignore, but for others, it becomes a full-fledged distraction that negatively impacts almost every aspect of their daily lives. There…
Where Did I Put My Hearing Aids?!
We all misplace items from time to time. Usually this is no big deal; the remote will turn up eventually, and we can track down the cellphone by calling it from another device or using an app. But when hearing aids go missing, finding them quickly takes on a whole new urgency. How to Ensure…
Age-Related Hearing Loss Genes Identified
Approximately 48 million Americans experience hearing loss to some degree. Those with a hearing impairment in Los Angeles are most likely to develop the condition as a result of noise exposure or natural aging. While hearing protection can help prevent the former, there is little that can be done to stop age-related hearing loss. Scientists…
Kids with Cochlear Implants Should Sing More, Researchers Say
Whether you’re the type who bounds onstage and belts out a tune every opportunity you can or wouldn’t dare croon out loud unless in the privacy of your own shower, singing can be an enjoyable experience. And for kids with cochlear implants in Los Angeles, it can be downright beneficial. Finnish Study Shows Benefits of…
What You Should Know About Tinnitus
If you have ever experienced a ringing or other sound in your ears, even in a perfectly quiet setting, you are one of the 50 million Americans dealing with tinnitus. It usually fades after a few hours or within a couple of days, but for many people in Los Angeles, tinnitus is a chronic occurrence…