Holiday Dinner Survival Guide
The holiday season is in full swing, and with that comes large dinners with family and friends. According to your Los Angeles audiologist, 50 percent of all families will have at least one person at their holiday table with hearing loss. Below are a few tips to help make sure everyone is included in the…
The History of Hearing Aids
Hearing loss has long been a problem people in Los Angeles and around the world have long struggled with. For centuries, it was a commonly held assumption that those with hearing loss had other disabilities; because of this, they were often discriminated against. In the 16th century, a Spanish monk named Pedro Ponce was able…
Tinnitus and Concerts
Concerts are great. If you listen to one piece of advice from your House Clinic Los Angeles audiologist, it would be to wear hearing protection while enjoying the show. If you don’t, seeing that epic guitar riff won’t be your only lasting memory of the show. How Loud Music Causes Hearing Loss Any sound over…
Tips for Preventing Hearing Loss This Fall
Protect your hearing this fall With Halloween in the rearview mirror, you are now able to focus on other parts of fall – namely football and leaf raking. Just be careful; some of these fall activates can put your hearing health in danger. Below are some tips to keep you safe. Avoid the Leaf Blower…