How & Why to Protect Your Ears When Flying
Millions of Americans will be traveling in the next few weeks as they prepare to celebrate the holidays with loved ones, and many of those will be going by plane. While potential travelers might worry about what to pack or what time to arrive at LAX, they probably don’t spend much time worrying about protecting…
What is Causing Your Behind-the-Ear Headache?
A headache or pain behind your ear can have several different causes. While several issues are directly related to the ear, dental problems or compressed nerves in your head and neck could also cause similar symptoms. Depending on the cause, the pain could feel sharp or dull, burning, throbbing or like there is pressure behind…
How Genetics Can Play a Role in Hearing Loss
Genetics plays a role in so many aspects of your life. From the color of your eyes to your ability to roll your tongue. They also play a role in many health conditions, including hearing loss. Let’s examine some of the ways genetics can affect your hearing and look at a few genetic disorders that…
4 Common Ear, Nose & Throat Complaints
There are a lot of reasons to visit an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist, also known as an otolaryngologist. Below we review four of the most common ones, including their symptoms and treatments. Ear Infections Ear infections occur when fluid becomes trapped in the middle ear and creates a breeding ground for bacteria. This…
Trouble Processing Sounds Associated with Decline in Other Cognitive Functions
Do you like attending classes at Makers Mess with your friends to learn new skills? It may be easy for you to follow along now, but if you’re developing hearing loss, it could make it difficult in the future. This is especially true because recent research has linked a certain type of hearing loss with…
Why Are Some Sounds Spookier than Others?
With Halloween coming up, you’re probably spending time at Los Angeles Haunted Hayride. But it’s not just the visuals of these Halloween activities that can give you a fright; studies show that certain sounds can elicit a biological response that is meant to keep us safe. How We Hear In order to understand how some…
Slipping Up: How Hearing Loss Affects Safety
Do you enjoy riding your bike from L.A. Golden Bike Shop around town? If you have untreated hearing loss, doing so could put you in danger, one 2018 study shows. We review this study and the connection between untreated hearing loss and injuries below. What the Research Shows The purpose of the study, which was…
Cancer Treatment and Its Effect on Your Hearing
Chemotherapy, radiation and surgery are all effective cancer treatments that come with a long list of additional side effects. While you may be familiar with the hair and weight loss, there are several hearing-related side effects, some of which will continue after the treatment ends. If you or someone you love is about to undergo…
Why Do Loud Sounds Startle People with Hearing Loss?
People with hearing loss often struggle to detect low-level sounds like those that are present during normal conversations. However, this doesn’t mean they can’t be startled by loud noises, and in some cases perceive those loud noises as even more bothersome and intense as they did before experiencing hearing loss. While that might sound odd,…
Common Causes of a Dry & Crusty Ear Canal
If your ear feels dry and crusty, there are many possible reasons that could be causing it, including skin conditions and environmental factors. We explore some of these causes below as well as review treatment options. Skin Conditions Some skin conditions linked to a dry and crusty ear canal are described here. Eczema Eczema is…