Tips for Dating Someone with Hearing Loss
Whether it’s your first date or your hundredth date, it can be difficult to know what communication needs your date has if they have hearing loss or wear hearing aids. Here are some tips for making the most of your date with your favorite Valentine. Planning date when you have hearing loss The restaurant that…
Managing Meniere’s Disease
According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, approximately 615,000 people in the U.S. have been diagnosed with Meniere’s disease, with nearly 50,000 new cases diagnosed each year. Unfortunately, no cure has been identified for Meniere’s disease, but certain lifestyle modifications have been shown to reduce symptoms. What Is Meniere’s Disease? Meniere’s…
Why Aren’t You Wearing Your Hearing Aids?
There are many benefits to wearing hearing aids, including improved mental and physical health, better cognition and balance, increased professional success and earning power, renewed confidence, healthier relationships and improved social interactions. But despite these benefits, many people do not wear their hearing devices. Why You Aren’t Wearing Your Hearing Devices There are many reasons…
Why Assistive Listening Devices Make Great Gifts
Last-minute shoppers in Southern California looking for the perfect stocking stuffer for their loved ones who have trouble hearing should consider assistive listening devices. Less expensive than hearing aids, they provide a boost in noisy situations and are great for those who need a little extra help hearing…whether or not they have been diagnosed with…
Noise-Cancelling Headphones Can Protect Against Hearing Loss
Hearing loss is a widespread concern in Los Angeles and across Southern California. Contrary to popular belief, it isn’t confined to senior citizens; people can develop a hearing impairment at any age—especially if they are exposed to frequent noise. Listening to Music Safely What causes hearing loss? The world is a noisy place. It’s no…
Why You Shouldn’t Take a Newborn to the Movies
Los Angeles is closely associated with the golden age of cinema, and movies remain a favorite pastime for residents of southern California, even if the theater-going experience has changed over the years. Some parents are so enraptured with the latest Terminator flick they insist on bringing their infant along, but this is a bad idea…
Can Your Hearing Loss Be Corrected with Surgery?
For all the glitz and glamour Southern California offers, many residents of Los Angeles struggle with enjoying the many entertainment options. That’s because they have hearing loss, a condition that negatively impacts many areas of their everyday lives. Most patients must resign themselves to wearing hearing aids, but a lucky few may be able to…
Are Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids a Good Idea?
It’s estimated that one out of every five people in Los Angeles suffers from hearing loss. Unfortunately, not everybody with a hearing impairment seeks treatment. One of the biggest barriers to care is the cost of hearing aids. The Over-the-Counter Hearing Aid Act promises to make hearing aids more affordable and readily available, but isn’t…
Facts About Hearing Loss in California
October is National Audiology Awareness Month—the perfect opportunity to learn more about hearing loss, a chronic condition that affects about 20 percent of adults in Orange County throughout Southern California. With so many misconceptions about hearing, we’d like to share some facts. The Truth About Hearing Health Hearing loss is the third most common physical…
How to Overcome Listening Fatigue
One in five residents of Los Angeles experiences hearing loss to some degree. The effects of a hearing impairment are far-reaching and include isolation, anxiety, depression and a variety of physical health complications. The fact is, hearing loss is downright exhausting for those who must contend with it on a daily basis. This results in…